Derek Charlebois Training Journal: Week of 12/9/19
Posted by Derek Charlebois on
It’s easy to be motivated when things are going well, but much harder to stay motivated when you aren’t progressing well. There will be times when everything is clicking, you feel great, and are making nonstop progress. There will also be times where you feel like you are at a standstill and are simply spinning your wheels.
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Derek Charlebois Training Journal: Week of 12/2/19
Posted by Derek Charlebois on
This doesn’t mean simply not doing sets because you feel lazy and don’t feel like doing them. I am specifically talking about when something in your mind/body is telling you that doing more in the short term may not be beneficial for the LONG TERM (i.e. potentially reaggravate an injury).
Derek Charlebois Training Journal: Week of 11/25/19
Posted by Derek Charlebois on
More often than not, with powerlifting programming you are PURPOSEFULLY not taking sets to failure or lifting a maximal load. Powerlifting programming implements a variety of measures of intensity/training loads (% 1-RM, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), Repetitions in Reserve (RIR)) to periodize training.
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Derek Charlebois Training Journal: Week of 11/18/19
Posted by Derek Charlebois on
Now back to your regularly scheduled program… training program that is! One thing that I didn’t touch on last week is that I am TERRIBLE about scheduling and taking deload weeks for myself. I typically wait way longer than I should to the point where an overuse injury MAKES me deload. I guess that’s because my joints and not my performance is what causes me to need to delaod in the first place LOL.
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Derek Charlebois Training Journal: Week of 11/11/19
Posted by Derek Charlebois on
Deload week! As I mentioned last week, I started pushing the weights much quicker than I had originally planned, so I am deloading this week to give my joints a little break.
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