Derek Charlebois Training Journal Week of 10-2-17

Derek Charlebois Training Journal Week of 10-2-17

Posted by Derek Charlebois on

WEEK #5: Weekly Schedule

Monday = Bench Press

Tuesday = Squats + Deadlift

Wednesday = OFF

Thursday = Bench Press

Friday = OFF

Saturday = Squats + Deadlift

Sunday = OFF


My current training program is setup into three training microcycles consisting of an 8-rep workout, 6-rep workout, and 4-rep workout. Microcycle #1 establishes the baseline. Then in microcycle #2 I add 10 lbs to the weights lifted in microcycle #1. And finally, in microcycle #3 I add 5 lbs to the weights lifted in microcycle #2. The three microcycles = one mesocycle.


This week I complete microcycle #3.


Monday 10/2/17: Bench Press Focus (8 REPS/6 REPS/4 REPS

Bench Press

280 X 4 @ 7RPE

300 X 4 @ 8 RPE

320 X 4 @ 9 RPE (TOP SET)

280 X 4, 4

I don’t know what was happening today but I felt STRONG! 320 moved much smoother than it has ever moved… Still kind of surprised with how good bench of progressing.


Close Grip Bench Press

280 X 4, 4, 4


Standing Military Press

115 X 6, 6, 6

I’m so weak on these LOL.


Lat-Pulldown (Parallel Grip)

120 X 12, 12, 12


Concentration Curl

30 X 12, 10, 8



I forgot to take video :^(


Tuesday 10/3/17: Squat + Deadlift (8 REPS/6 REPS/4 REPS)


375 X 4, 4, 4

Easy peasy. I need to push squats a little bit soon to see where my strength is actual at now that my knee isn’t bothering me.   



545 X 1

565 X 1

585 X 1

This is the heaviest I've deadlifted since my meet in July... damn that kind of sucks LOL. 


Stiff Leg Deadlift

225 X 12

275 X 10

325 X 8

375 X 6




Wednesday 10/4/17 = OFF DAY


Thursday 10/5/17: Bench Press Focus (8 REPS/6 REPS/4 REPS)

Bench Press

245 X 8 @ 7 RPE

265 X 8 @ 8 RPE

285 X 8 @ 9 RPE


Today was supposed to be the start of a deload, but because I am going out of town next week and most likely will not be able to train for a few days, I decided to do one more run of the 8/6/4 setup. My body felt like it could have used the deload today LOL. My last bench press session was one of the best I have had in a long time. I find that when I have a REALLY GOOD bench session the next one is usually so-so. I was still able to hit my target weight and reps though.


Close Grip Bench Press (Feet on Bench)

225 X 8, 8, 8

Putting your feet on the bench removes the leg drive from this movement. Not that I am great at using leg drive anyways.


Bent Over DB Row

90’s X 8, 8, 8

DB Spider Curl

25 X 12, 10, 8




Friday 10/6/17: OFF DAY


Saturday 10/7/17: Squat + Deadlift (8 REPS/6 REPS/4 REPS)



340 X 8, 8, 8


Single Leg Leg Press

90 X 12

110 X 12

130 X 12

150 X 6


Today I was helping two of my clients with their final training session before the USAPL Raw Nationals, so I didn’t complete my full workout (didn’t have time for deadlifts).




Sunday 10/8/17 = OFF DAY




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